I' Patience, I’m 23 years old and I study Tourism Management in Kenya, where I live. I have a physical disability.
I was born without any form disability. I had a regular childhood, crawling, playing, jumping as any child would do. In 2014 I got sick, I was diagnosed with a bacterial infection, which later caused a stroke that led to my paralysis.
The thought of being disabled came as a shock to me. I had never felt the term “disability” would become so close to me, as I was a child with dreams and aspirations. Eight years down the line, I realized that disability is a limitation – we are known to be differently able.
The International Day of Persons with Disabilities is a day for the community at large and people with disabilities to realize that all children should be treated like normal human beings, that they have rights they should access without any form of discrimination or prejudice.
UNICEF and governments should implement policies that work towards ensuring children with disabilities:
- Have access to better health care
- Inclusive education systems that accommodate all children, with all forms of education
- Protection against any form of violence and abuse
- Express their views freely
- Have access to assistive devices in all the public offices