It is amazing that we are in 2023 already. With all that we saw and heard in the news last year, 2022 was certainly a challenging year.
On a personal level, I would say 2022 taught me how to be myself and also not to depend on others. As I learned to be myself and do things more by myself, I discovered it made me happier. I thought to myself that If I can't be real with who I am, why should others be real with me?
2022 inspired me to stop seeing myself through the eyes of those who don't value me. I should constantly know my worth even if others can't see it. I am myself and I believe I am making it through 2023.
I am resolved to keep a positive attitude in 2023. I believe my attitude to life matters a lot. I also believe there are more reasons for me to succeed than to fail, therefore I will be focused on succeeding in everything I do. I will stay positive, learn to laugh more, forgive, and stay focused.
I have set my goals for 2023 and I believe they are achievable. I will stay on course with those goals. At the end of the year, I want to be able to look back and say I did my best and achieved the most I can with my goals. One of my goals is to read two new books every month. I want to read books on different subjects by different authors.
I don't want to feel timid in 2023. I realized that to be a champion, I must embrace self-confidence. As a girl, I honestly think self-confidence is beauty. I must not accept anything that makes me look less or unimportant. I believe my knowledge and voice do count and I will utilize every opportunity that comes my way to air my voice and share my knowledge.
Finally, I believe in GOD, and I know HE cares about me. In all that I do in 2023, my devotion to GOD will be stronger because I draw strength from my spiritual devotion.
I wish everyone a happy and prosperous 2023.
Thank you for reading.
— LL Cool J.