Omar Archane, 16, who also goes by Chef Omar, is the youngest influencer chef in Morocco.
He has transformed his disability -he has a muscular dystrophy which causes muscle weakness- into strength and has proven his ability to spread a culture of love and resilience. Read his blog for World Children's Day and discover other young leaders advocating for children's rights here.
“My leitmotiv of every day: I am not different from you, but different like you. I live every moment with the hope of breathing love and living in a positive attitude. I will try to spread this approach by supporting the promotion of children's rights in Morocco.
I am known by Chef Omar, the youngest influential chef in Morocco. Diagnosed in my early years with a muscular dystrophy, which causes muscle weakness and use of a wheelchair, I have been able to transform my disability into strength and proved my ability to spread a culture of love and resilience.
I am very proud of my engagement with UNICEF as Youth Advocate for children's rights in Morocco. Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, I have supported different UNICEF campaigns and initiatives to raise awareness and advocate publicly for children's rights in Morocco. I participated in the 'Rendez-vous de l'UNICEF', #VivreEnSecuritéAvecCovid19 and other digital campaigns with UNICEF Morocco. They give a voice to celebrities, influencers and experts to support children, young people and their families, focusing on strengthening their resilience, particularly in this period of crisis and promoting the rights of the child.
I feel that my positive attitude is contagious. I am a child that takes on problems, I am resourceful, and my personal experience made me feel mature for my age.
My goal in life? I want to teach others that 'despite the condition' and 'the stigmatizing gaze of people', they can achieve their goals. It depends only on them. Everyone has a strong power in himself. We just need to dig a bit deeper inside ourselves to discover this extraordinary resilience that we have as humans.
I will continue my engagement with UNICEF to spread happiness and joy, and I will continue my advocacy for child rights. My physical condition has never been an obstacle for me. Instead, I give myself the strength to continue forward and most importantly, to bring joy to those around me by leaning on what I excel at: cuisine, public speaking and personal development.”