Today, I'm going to share my story when I felt included for #WorldChildrensDay and #IFeltIncluded.
So, I play a lot of Chess and I love playing Chess. If you are also playing Chess or interested in it, you might have noticed that there are more male than female players and that was the same scenario in my school as well. In my school whenever I asked anybody if they know someone who plays Chess, I always got an answer like, "yes there's a boy who plays it" and I started wondering why girls are less number in the field of Chess.
I believe that it's the time to change it, I believe that it's the time to change the male domination on the game of Chess. Hence, I went to my P. Ed teacher and asked him whether I can take part in any Chess tournaments at our school. Later he informed me about a tournament which was going to take place very soon, I found this opportunity as a Golden Opportunity and I took part in it. I was the only girl in the team.
With this small step taken by me, I strongly believe that many girls will be inspired and start taking part in the field of Chess. This was the time when #IFeltIncluded and this was my story of how I felt included as a part to be in the game of the Chess.
Priyanka, 17, India