I have struggled with my mental health for the past few years. It's not easy.
The stigma is undeniably present, and therapy can be too expensive for most people and so getting help is often not an option. In my journey I've been lucky enough to have a supporting system. A loving family and supportive friends. But I'd lie if I said I didn't experience judgement from others.
People don't like to believe what they can't see and fail to realise that you can be physically fine and still be in unbearable pain.
From my own experience I think the key factor is to educate yourself regardless if you have a mental health condition or not. Because it will help you understand and help yourself or understand and help others.
Once you know what it is and how exactly it affects you the journey becomes easier .
It takes a lot for someone to reach out and say "I am not okay" when struggling even though it's so easy to say it when in physical pain. Our mind deserves just as much care and concern .
We are worthy of recovery.
We are worthy of better, happier days .
I will forever love and care for myself and be a voice for those in need.
Year after year. Each day. I will share my story and do my best to help other people who might be struggling just as I have.
So let's try and make this year the one we finally change our attitudes towards mental health, the year we decide to love and understand and not judge. The year everything changes and stigma is finally not a factor that stops us from sharing our stories.