My world, my world, oh where did you go?
Gone with George Floyd, Breonna and the glacier snows
My world, my world we don’t even know
if we’ll be here to reap what we’ve sown
Who knows where you’ll be in the next ten years?
Maybe you’ll be drowned in our never-ending tears
Or submerged by the fears that haunt our souls
My world, what have we done to deserve this toll?
Does anyone hear my cry?
Or do they turn a deaf ear and to the injustices a blind eye?
Does the world care about the lives lost during the protest of End Sars?
About the innocent people behind bars?
About the bodies carried away in carts?
The families they have torn apart?
My world, is this our destruction at last?
My world, you must be really ruffled
We took all your trees, but you can’t be that nettled
My world, my world, what did you think would come next?
After industrialization, don’t tell me you didn’t suspect
That we would misuse the gifts you gave us that make us blessed
I am sorry if you are unimpressed
But to be candid, what did you expect?
But there's always that glimmer of hope
That we hang onto like a rope
The smiles that dot the Earth
The homely fires in our hearth
Those little pockets of peace we experience everyday
That give us the confidence to say
That we are here to stay
I know we will get there although it seems far
My world, oh there you are.