What if your mother tried very hard to stick to a very packed schedule, yet couldn't do so? Now she's tired like never before. She thinks she's a failure.
What would you tell her? You'd hug her, tell her that you love her and that it's okay. Right?
What if your father couldn't buy you your favourite toy when you were younger. Now, he can't buy you your favourite car? He thinks he's a failure.
What would you tell him? You'd hug him, tell him that you love him and that it's okay. Right?
What if your sibling messed up a really important performance because of their stage fright. They think they're a failure.
What would you tell them? You'd hug them, tell them that you love them and it's okay. Right?
What if your best friend does not have a "perfect body", gets fat shamed and is stressed. She thinks she's a failure.
What would you tell her? You'd hug her, tell that you love her and that it's okay. Right?
Now what if you are in their place?
What would you tell yourself? Will you hug yourself, tell yourself that you love yourself and that it's okay?
Well it should be a yes, right?