Art is a wonderful way of expressing ourselves. Writing is another good way of expressing ourselves as well. Those two mediums of self-expression is what I use personally to help express not only myself, but my emotions and my thoughts, especially during this pandemic. Doing so is a healthy way of coping and expressing our emotions and feelings. We can draw friends hanging out and playing with each other, and write about how we miss playing with our friends. We can paint raining skies to show our sadness, and journal about why we are feeling.
I personally like to write about how I am feeling, and then maybe draw after. I used to paint, and my family loved my paintings. I painted when I was sad, when I was angry, and when I was happy as well. Now, I prefer drawing with pen and paper, and even my special alcohol ink markers. Did you know that colors actually represent emotions? I have a link to a website that shows what colors represent and impact what emotion if anyone would like to learn more.
With writing, you can type on your laptop or mobile device, or use a notebook or sheet of paper and pen. Sometimes I even use colored pens to write to make it a little fun! Do not be afraid to write how you are feeling. If you need or choose to, share it with a trusted adult. Do not be afraid to enjoy doing art to also express yourself and your emotions. Just remember, that there is no such thing as mistakes in art. Mistakes can sometimes be an inspiration! Use pen, marker, paint, or any art medium you choose! Also, you can invite your friends over video call to draw and do art with you, even if you must social distance still.
This was my take on using art and writing to express yourself and your emotions in the pandemic. I hope I brought some inspiration to you, dear reader!