Today I was attending a webinar that relates to the theme: Steam4all: Accelerating gender equalities.
So, did you know that there is only 28% of women STEM workforce representation around the world.
Plus, Future-of-jobs will be technology and sciences, therefore women need to be well equipped with STEM skills to enter the workforce.
I have heard lots of stories of women fighting with stereotypes. Like if you are entering to study mathematics or physics where there is a so-called “boy’s club” you have to prove you are smart enough and show your abilities to compete with others.
I have learned that girls should not be agreeable and trained to have self-assertive skills because a deep and profound change will only come when we all transform our “expectations of others and of ourselves”.
For it to happen, we have to take actions not words and “better monitor of gender equality”. The importance of underlining positive change and where it comes from should not be forgotten. And last one, Usage of “Regional and International experience to share and support best practice”. For example, in Kyrgyzstan, there is a program implemented which is called “Teaching youngsters digital skills through gamification”. Besides, they empower women in STEM with Digital Transformation. That sounds very interesting and a promising way to develop STEM education.
Thank you for reading the post,