The damsel in distress waiting for her prince charming to save her is the classic representation of most women in literature. Many writers ignored the suppression it showed and even more thought it was the perfect idea of a woman. The idea turned into an ideal, if a woman did not show the characteristics of being delicate, shy and obedient, she would become a menace to society. Here are a few female authors that decided to smash the patriarchy the classic way:
1. Louisa May Alcott
Known for her infamous book Little women, Louisa May Alcott was a true feminist who advocated women's rights throughout her life and also fought against slavery. She was the first woman to register to vote in Concord, Massachusetts and was also a part of the women’s suffrage movement. Her character Jo March, portrayed an ambitious and smart woman who rejects the stereotype that a woman needs to marry a rich man to live well.
2. Jane Austen
Jane Austen was not very successful in her lifetime and now she is one of the most popular novelists of all time. She did not have a male pen name, she simply published all her books with “By a Lady” written on the front cover. She cared about women’s social position and about women’s right to work, and these issues are reflected in her novels.
3. Simone de Beavouir
Simone de Beavouir was a strong believer in the fact that women are just as capable as men in the choices they make. She demanded that women should have equal rights as well as laws as men, and that society change its mentality regarding this concept. Her ideals are exhibited in her books which are now one of the most prominent books based on feminism.
4. Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie, one of the most distinguished authors in the mystery genre, grew up in a supportive matriarchy and learned many valuable ideals. These ideals are visible in her work, especially in her brilliant detective, Miss Marple. Her character, Miss Marple is the greatest feminist detective. Even her female villains are equal, shattering the idea of women being too frail.
5. Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf is rightly considered the founder of modern feminist literary criticism. Her goal was to unshackle women from prejudices and stereotypes. She wrote classics such as Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse and Orlando, as well as immaculate feminist works, A Room of One's Own and Three Guineas.