There are ways to solve social/political problems.
It's understandable that countries may not react positively to foreign people entering their territories, but it is also understandable that there are human ways to solve conflicts.
Tear gas, hitting, discrimination, among many other things are some of the situations that migrants are dealing with. This is a TOTAL violation of their human rights.
This is not about migrants from Honduras alone, it is about humanity and the way we are ending it ourselves. There are hundreds of people from Central American countries migrating who are suffering along with Hondurans.
Humanity is entering in a hole of zero concern for others, zero mercy and tons of selfishness.
It is necessary to create awareness and educate people about social problems, expose them and explain their rights as human beings, in the face of any conflict.
This probably will not prevent the way things continue to be handled with regard to this crisis, but it can create positive mass impacts, as many, without exception of social class, religion, culture, age etc. do not even know the existence of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the UN.
If you would like to create awareness about humans rights to people who might not know them, you can click on the link I share at the bottom. There you can read more about human rights, so you can discuss them in a peaceful manner with your friends and other people.