The whole world applauds her - Greta Thunberg. And for good reason.
"You stole my dreams! How dare you?" Greta cried on behalf of all of us who are aware of the effects of global warming.
Can you remain deaf to words like these? Do you consider this theft of one’s dreams to be a crime or a worthwhile punishment? There is nothing worthwhile in it, just as there is nothing worthwhile in destroying our planet.
Let me tell you what other things you have stolen, apart from our dreams. You are stealing our oxygen, our freshness, our health... You have stolen our greenery, beauty and our resources for life.
Punishment will come, slowly – but surely, unless Greta's cry, which we will all amplify, rouses us. That cry must be heard by the decision-makers, first of all.
Why are you deaf? Why do you constantly talk about climate change as though it is a phenomenon that nothing more can be done about, and that we all have to bear the consequences of together?
Do you know why? Because we are a never-ending chain, and if that chain were preserved, we would be stronger and more resilient today.
We need Greta. Greta represents all of us who want to make that chain stronger.
There were tears in her eyes, ones with which she might have wanted to extinguish all the warming and fires in this world. However, it takes tears from all of us to do something. ALL OF US!
"How dare you!?" she cried. I am proud to be Greta's peer. As I was listening to her words, I felt a surge of hope within – the hope that our generation will be able to change the world – to end greed and the systematic devastation of all our natural resources.
Let's not allow them to steal our dreams. Let's save the planet! Let's listen to Greta and be like her – brave and determined – and follow true values. I believe in us!
Lana, 15, is a student in Podgorica, who likes to volunteer and help people. She has been a member of a folklore ensemble for 9 years. She is also a Golden Advisor of the Ombudsman, a radio host of a national radio programme, and a young reporter - volunteer for UNICEF.