Hello everyone,
Today, I will tell you 5 things that happened with me that taught me 5 big things"
I have been creating artworks since I was a kid. And from a very young age, I participated in different art competitions. And the number of times I’ve failed is higher than the number of times I have achieved success. But I never gave up and continued to sharpen my skills and today I paint much better than I used to do earlier. At the end of the day, I realised that you, yourself is your competitor.’ From this I've learnt my first lesson that failure plays a very crucial role in the process of becoming successful, it is in fact the first step towards it.
But, growing up I used to envy some of my friends for things they had which I didn’t and wished for all those stuff. Also, I was not very fluent in English 2 or 3 years back. But then I stopped thinking about what society will say, what people will say and started practising day in and day out and today I can speak this language decently. From this, I've learnt that I should not limit myself for the sake of the expectations of other people. So don’t limit your potentials only by thinking about what people would say about it. You mightn’t be fluent in a particular language or you might not possess branded items. But these things don’t matter at all. What matters most is your self-satisfaction respecting the person who u r today.’
And It is rightly said that practice makes a man perfect. I have applied this rule in my life as today I create paintings in acrylic, colour pencils, charcoal, graphite, water mediums. Achieving expertise in all these mediums has become possible for me only after ample practice. So, no matter how many times you fail you should never stop trying, keep practising. If you’re a beginner you might face many difficulties initially but you should never give up on your dreams.
And when you practice you make mistakes too it is part of the process. I too have made a lot of mistakes as a beginner and consequently got a lot of scoldings from my teachers and elders. When I used watercolours initially I didn’t know what proportions of water should be mixed with the pigments to achieve an even consistency. But later I realised that these may vary according to the types of paintings. I gained the knowledge because I admitted my mistakes & carefully noticed my shortcomings, my mistakes and I improved myself accordingly.’ So from this, I’ve learnt to admit my mistakes and to improve myself so that I don't repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Admitting mistakes helps you see things as they really are. Mistakes happen but how you deal with them is what makes the difference.
I would also like to add that we all should have faith in the Almighty. There might be many people who don’t have any sort of belief or faith in such things. But as far as I am concerned I’ve got results. In times when I feel low and dejected I bow down in front of the Almighty, and I miraculously get a different sort of energy flowing within my body. 'Whenever I fail in achieving something, be it the mastery of a particular brush stroke or overcoming life’s hurdles, I pray to God to give me the strength to continue my struggle and to never give up.’ I have learnt to have faith in God and now I believe that whatever doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.
I hope these 5 things would help you to be the person you have always dreamt to be. We all should remember that we have only one life so we should live and enjoy it to the fullest. Having said this, I would like to conclude my post here.
Thank you very much :)