Inclusion (noun): “the action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure.”
Is the world a safe place for everyone to be the truest version of themselves? I would say that it isn’t – and that we have a long way to go.
However, just as important as planning ahead is trying to realize how far we’ve come. In order to find the strength to keep on moving, we need to acknowledge and appreciate all the effort we already put into our work, and how it influenced the outcome.
The #IFeltIncluded is a way to portray exactly that for me. Sometimes, it’s tough to get out of your comfort zone, to get active and really do something. But this is when I felt included.
Voices Of Youth grants access to people with a similar goal and determination, as well as opportunities or resources you can make use of along your journey. In my case, it all was super confusing and I felt lost and uncomfortable. But thanks to this community, I felt included in something bigger than I ever imagined.
It makes me want to do more, be more active and be involved in the process. And when I look back, I know there are people I can count on.
Thank you, Voices Of Youth, for making everyone’s voice heard!
I'm speaking up for everybody who identifies with this.