I am a depression and abuse survivor. Being in a society where patriarchy is deeply rooted, a girl is often unsupported to speak up against the mistreatments towards her, so was I. But, I always tried to reach out to people through my writings, poems, and articles, and spread awareness about violence, inequity, and injustice against women, children, refugees, and minorities.
I feel empowered when I hold my pen; when I weave my words into finely carved lines to become a voice in society. Having a traumatic childhood, prompted me to develop my voices by writing journals and doodling. Since the age of eight, I’ve been writing poems and articles to channel my thoughts.
Lately, when I suffered from depression, I realized that there are numerous people in the world who have their voices suppressed. I felt helpless and reached out to several ‘change-making organizations’, but none of them, I thought, were creating enough change to act against inhumanity and immorality, hence, I decided to be a voice for myself and for those without voices to be heard.
People rightly say that a pen is mightier than a sword, so I started sharing my healing notes on social media. My goal is to ensure whoever reads my posts, knows that everyone of us deserves good mental-health, a healthy environment, liberty, nutrition, proper education, and a moral and peaceful world.
Using my pen to be a voice for myself and for all who are suffering in silence, battling patriarchy, calamities, and climate change, and a society depriving people of their rights to education, and freedom, is how I feel empowered. Filling the cracks in my life with the gold in my words, and lines is how I feel empowered.
I hope that more women, men, children and youth will raise their voices and encourage others to stand up against global issues. The world can be a better place only when everyone of us takes small steps to empower ourselves and defend humanity.
Adyasha, 19, India.