The first thing we think about after reading the word "water" is probably a refreshment or something that is colorless. For many people, water is just something basic that we all have access to. Many of you may know that there are a lot of countries which don't have any kind of water supplies. For example, let's take the Republic of Uganda.

Uganda is a landlocked country in East Africa, remaining as one of the poorest countries in the world despite reducing its poverty rate, according to FocusEconomics.com. Even 61.1% people from Uganda lack basic water services! How does this affect the communities in Uganda? The stress of economic growth over the last two decades in Uganda has put an enormous strain on the land and its resources. Approximately 19% of Ugandans only have access to streams, ponds and unprotected hand-dug wells as sources of drinking water, according to BorgenProject.com. Contaminated, untreated and laboratory untested water from river or lakes, can be very dangerous for humans.

UNICEF has made efforts to combat water issues. This is especially true in the fellow country of Liberia, where the organization strived to develop water, sanitation, and hygiene systems (WASH) with 65% of such machinations functionally today. The Ugandan government now aims to have clean water and improved sanitation for everyone by 2030, according to the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
The global water crisis is one of the greatest challenges that the world faces today. But individuals, organizations, and governments are facing it head on by implementing sustainable solutions, meeting urgent needs daily, and improving life for families all over the world.

Uganda is not the only country facing this problem. Mozambique, Niger, Chad, Democratic Republic of Kongo, Angola, Somalia, Ethiopia are also facing similar issues.
Without water, survival is not possible. Every day, 2.1 billion people still wake up each morning without access to clean water. This means that millions of vulnerable families around the world cannot drink, cook, or bathe with clean water.
For most rural schools and communities, access to clean water depends on outside nonprofit organizations purchasing or “giving” a well. However, there are millions of schools and communities that do not have access to nonprofit agencies or local government support. We must then ask ourselves: “How can we make water available for all?” Something must be done.