There is a recurring discussion about genetically modified food (GMO). Many people are worried about its impact on the environment and on our health. GMOs according to several studies are safe to consume by humans. Many people pointed out that there are poisons in GMO to stop bugs from eating them. That statement is correct, however, the poisons only affect bugs because a human digestive system is different from bugs. Another example of this is that dogs can’t eat chocolate, while humans eat it all the time.
Another topic that has been brought up is environmental issues. Though GMOs are good to solve issues like food shortages during droughts, they can and will impact the environment if not treated carefully. Some BT crops that are immune to pesticides make farmers spray tons of pesticides without worrying about damaging their crops. This is an issue, however, due to pesticides harming the soil on which these crops are planted on.
GMOs have both a good side and a bad side. Chances are, most of us are already eating genetically modified food. More than 90% of corn is genetically modified in the US, and more than 95% of animals in the US alone eat GMO crops. Most genetically modified food currently are plants, though there is an increasing amount of development done on GMO meat. Several GMO fishes have already been approved by the FDA (food and drug administration) as safe for human consumption. GMOs are quite bad for the environment if not treated carefully, and further development should be made to save the planet.
Though GMO food has always been in the topic of discussion when it comes to GMOs, there is also genetically modified insulin, which is much more effective than using insulin used from another species or animal. This is great since there will be fewer side effects occurring in the human body. Genetically modified organisms will be prevalent in the future, and hopefully, it will make for a better future.