Hello everyone! I am Pratiksha Rai from Nepal, living in Belgium, currently 18 years old.
To feel empowered, first of all work on your mindset. Having a healthy mentality, a supportive family, believe in yourself and have faith in God.
There will always be others that will make you feel low when you are working on something you want to achieve or saying that you cannot do it because you’re a woman, but don’t let them feel that they are right, let them feel that they are wrong.
Work hard to achieve what you want, focus on your dreams and let them see what you can do.
Don’t ever let anyone make you feel down or that you’re not worth it. You are a powerful, hard working and beautiful woman! you can do it and you can overcome all your hardships and be a inspiring woman for future generations. Also don’t change for anyone just be yourself.
Much love to all my beautiful women out there and don’t forget to keep loving yourself and believing in yourself! <3