While preparing for your advocacy journey, you will have gathered a lot of information and you need to start consolidating it. One of the best ways to do this is by writing down the information – you will need this information throughout your advocacy process in different forms.
Consolidate the information into the following topics:
Main problem or concern: a brief overview of the main problem.
What is the main problem?
How does it affect the target population?
Why is this issue important?
Context and background: overview of the factors leading to this situation and important considerations about the social and political environment around you.
- What engagement has already occurred around the issue?
- Who are the main decision makers and how can you best engage with them?
- What sensitivities should you consider when engaging with different people?
Possible allies, networks and youth platforms: different people and groups you can collaborate with or learn from.
- Which peers can work with you at this early stage? What would this look like?
- Who will you need help or support from? What would this entail?
Possible opportunities: an overview of possibilities to address the situation.
- What are some ideas you have to bring about change?
- Are there any key events or upcoming opportunities that you can connect your advocacy to?
- How can you influence the decision-making process?
Key activities: some of the main activities needed to achieve your goal, including the main actors who need to be involved.
- What is the best way to gain support for your cause, and how should you engage with people to encourage this?
- Will you need some kind of financial or human resources for your project?
- How can you secure the financial support this project needs?
Did you know the UNICEF Youth Advocacy Guide has been updated?
Check out the newly adapted global version available in English, French and Spanish.
[Coming soon in Arabic and Portuguese!]
You can also host your own advocacy training! Download the training guide and collaborative workspace here.
![The Youth Advocacy Guide [ENG] cover page](/sites/voy/files/images/2022-04/yag_cover.png)
After consolidating your findings and writing down your thoughts, you can start developing your advocacy plan.
Interested in doing advocacy? Read more about how you can champion change through advocacy here!
Also have a look at the Youth Advocacy Resources Hub for more tips, tricks and tools to help you along your advocacy journey!