During the outbreak of the coronavirus, the global community has shown how it can take action in a time of crisis. Everyone has a role to play, and when we work together, even small actions can help overcome big challenges.
While many schools around the world are closed, children and young people are still making their voices heard through the #ClimateStrikeOnline, and the youth climate movement is showing solidarity with their older relatives by staying inside to help keep everyone safe.
There are many ways that you can show your support for climate action during this time. For example:
Post an image online of your march sign with the hashtag #ClimateStrikeOnline (Here's a digital strike toolkit from Fridays For Future)
Hang the sign out your window (carefully).
Host a live on social media with other young activists.
Learn something new about climate change online. Education is one of the most valuable resources to become effective agents of change in the climate crisis. This toolkit, created by young people and UNICEF Latin America, is a great resource to learn and act.
You can also use this chatbot by U-Report to learn how to build your own campaigns, reduce your carbon footprint and test your climate knowledge by taking part in the quiz.
Talk to your parents and grandparents about climate change.
Help others understand the urgency of climate action. If you have younger siblings or relatives, you can download and use this lesson, that will get them talking with family members about the environmental changes they’ve noticed happening in their communities and work together to create a positive climate action.
If you have other ideas, scroll down this page to learn how you can share them with Voices of Youth... and the world! In the meantime, you can read these blogs to learn how some young climate activists are adapting and adjusting to this new situation.

Global solidarity in the face of the water crisis, by Catalina, 20, Chile
On the occasion of World Water Day, marked on March 22, the President of the United Nations General Assembly convened a high-level meeting to promote the implementation of the water-related goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda.
Catalina Silva, a 20-year-old activist and CONCAUSA youth ambassador from Chile, shared her story growing up in a land of ice and water, and why she's now advocating for secure water access for every child.

Advocating for Zero Waste in Trinidad and Tobago, by Priyanka Lalla
Priyanka is a student in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, who is strongly passionate about promoting the rights of children and has single-handedly organized several national advocacy campaigns on issues such as child sexual abuse and the environment. She's a UNICEF Eastern Caribbean youth ambassador.
Read her blog here.

On the frontlines of climate change in the Caribbean, by Russell, 17, Dominica
Russell Raymond, a 17-year-old reporter from Dominica, remembers the moment a hurricane ripped through his Caribbean island home in 2017.
Check his photo essay on how climate change impacted his island and the life of its people.

"I have started the change I want: advocating for climate change in Zimbabwe" by Nkosi Nyathi
"Each day millions of young people live to face the harsh climate reality. Has anyone ever imagined the impact of this changing climate in thirty years’ time?"
Nkosi Nyathi is a 17 year old Unicef Youth Climate Ambassador in Zimbabwe. These words are an excerpt from his blog on advocating for climate change in his community. Read the rest of Nkosi's blog here.

Campaigning for Climate Justice in a COVID-19 world, by Mitzi Jonelle Tan
Mitzi, a climate activist in Philippines, explains why responding to the need of communities impacted by climate change remains a challenge in these times: "Looking into both the COVID and climate crisis more closely, it is the marginalized sectors of society that are most impacted, and that is something we must always consider in our fight for climate and social justice."
Read Mitzi's blog

What are the impacts of climate change and environmental damage in Bangladesh? By Tahsin Uddin, 22, Bangladesh
Tahsin is a climate activist from Bangladesh, featured in the UNICEF x Fridays For Future climate impact campaign, which aims to highlight how climate change is affecting young people today and the need for the world to keep to its commitment to limit warming to 1.5 degrees.

"It is time to unite behind the science and save lives" by Vanessa Nakate, 23, Uganda
Vanessa Nakate is a climate activist and founder of Youth for Future Africa and the Rise Up Movement in Uganda, supporting projects like the installation of solar systems in schools. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, she has taken her climate action online, hosting video calls with other climate activists and using social media to raise awareness of the need of listening to science.

"We can change our ways in order to take care of each other" by Penelope Lea, 15, Norway
Penelope is the first climate and environmental activist ever elected as a UNICEF Norway Ambassador. Her goal is to empower children to speak out on the topic of climate change as one of the most important causes for their futures. She shared these thoughts on the importance of taking care of each other in the time of COVID-19.

"The time for the green ideas" by Kherann Yao, 26, Côte d'Ivoire
Kherann Yao is a UNICEF Youth Advocate, student from Côte d'Ivoire. He's the founder of Association Environnementale/Green-Ivory, a group of young activists that works to protect, preserve and enhance the environment in Côte d'Ivoire. He also works closely with children and before the COVID-19 outbreak he used to organize awareness-raising workshops in primary schools.

"From anxiety to agency: how to step up, rather than shut down, in the face of crisis" by Clover Hogan, 20, Australia
Clover Hogan, a 20-year-old climate activist a researcher on eco-anxiety, explains how the threat of climate collapse is a source of fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and powerlessness for many young people - yet in recent weeks, COVID-19 is amplifying these dark emotions. But she thinks we must discard the belief that we’re powerless, and realise that we’re infinitely powerful.

"Why the Climate conversation must continue" by We The Planet
Even though the world has come to a standstill, youth activists around the world continue to champion the cause of a better future, a better planet. The authors of this blog, activists from the We The Planet movement, warn that the arrival of the pandemic did not mean the cessation of human rights violations, war conflicts, persecutions and the effects of climate change.
Download or take a screenshot of this Climate Action card and share it on your Instagram Stories, Whatsapp Status and any other social media where you can inform and inspire your friends and family to take action too: