According to the “McKinsey Global Institute Report 2022”, from the 701 occupations that were analyzed on their technical feasibility in the future 47% of professions were deemed replaceable by Advanced Intelligence by 2030. That is a displacement of 400~800 million workers in a mere 5 years.
However, what about Education? Curriculums, textbooks, and classrooms have barely gone through any change for centuries. We focus on technological advancement, Sustainable Development Goals, but the quality of education is yet to attract any pair of eyes.
As a student in Japan, I have questioned the meaning of learning advanced calculus, dates, and names of prime ministers, and the Japanese ancient language that leans more towards Chinese; I have questioned the meaning of the hyper-competitive university entrance examinations adults prepare for our college admissions; I have questioned the meaning of teachers if they are expected to overwork like robots for the sake of efficient academic progression; the outdated education has become more of a chore than a privilege for the majority of students, and the outbreak of COVID-19, a break from traditional education, has further intensified this consensus.
However, along with the dissatisfaction, the pandemic, I believe, has been an important reminder for all of us about how big of a role education plays in our lives. Its absence made us ponder about the “good old days”, the days when we dreamt big and strived to learn.
A soccer player, a pilot… What did you want to be?
It’s time we address the education system, the media, and the people, promoting the acceleration of the economy and society over the personal growth and well-being of a young mind.
Tell me your ideas, your point of view.
Let’s talk for the freedom of youth in the upcoming generations.
Let’s give them a chance to pursue their personal visions even in the chaotic world of constant change.