I am just like every other young person trying to survive and live in this busy world with a little bit of passion and compassion. The young generation has their fair share of struggles, confusion, and disappointments. We live each day, trying to learn more and more about the world, settling in with the growing expectations of doing our best every day.
The Voice of Youth is the most discerning and the most genuine. It is an equal portion of child-like innocence and maturity, experiences we've heard and known, and naive inexperience. We may not think clearly, but our words contain so much clarity. We speak of infinite possibilities, hard work, success, dreams, and desires. We are the epitome of hope and ambition but also of struggles and despair. We sometimes sound rebellious, but we are just trying to do our best. We are in an attempt to make the world around us a better place for generations to come. Our effort is small, but it is honest. We are not trying to rewrite the rules or shape the world differently; we are just trying to make it more friendly and, in the long run, make it our happy place. We grow together every day, holding hands of virtue. We are grown-ups choosing not to grow up.
Youth is the most confusing period in all our lives. Growing hopes and expectations from others and ourselves lead to disappointments and heartbreaks. But in the long run, we sometimes only need the reminder that everything will be alright soon. A hand to hold on to, an audience to listen to us patiently. We are young, impatient, stubborn also the most loving, caring and understanding. Ultimately, we are all adorable imperfect humans trying to spread love, faith, and hope to the world and ourselves.
We're all misunderstood
They say we stand for nothing and
There's no way we ever could
Now we see everything that's going wrong
With the world and those who lead it
We just feel like we don't have the means
To rise above and beat it
~John Mayer