You're the poetry I go back to when I feel mine slipping away
You're the humour I seek when I can't find my joy
You're the paintings I turn to when the world goes black
You're the song I live my life in
You rhyme my emotions better than I can myself
You're the dance I duet with
Your beats resonate with my heart beat
You decide my frequency
I travel the world with your pictures
As you capture beauty as it lies
And create it just as easily
Raw and beautiful
How can you make the sunrise more beautiful everyday
It's something beyond just the lens
Keep your secrets then
It's an art itself
To every artist
Who found his way back to his (he)art
Who found a love he didn't search for
Didn't ask for
Who lived in his art
Only to see his art outlive him
Who's creating a legacy as he breathes
Thank you for reminding us
To live, to create, to dream
For sustaining humanity
For breathing life
Both into his and every other soul
Who took shelter in his art.