Hello everyone! My name is Kaden, and today I would like to share my updated self care tips during the pandemic. I would also like to share what I will be doing as my local community starts to come out of pandemic restrictions.
The pandemic has really upset me in one way or another. I can barely stand watching the news most of the time nowadays. I have learned to cope and I know the light is at the end of the tunnel with my community in which I live in. Here are some ways I have coped and still use to cope.
1. I took care of what I could control. I couldn’t control if my aunt who is against the coronavirus vaccine if she would get the vaccine or not, and I couldn’t control what would be on the evening news. What I could control are things like like taking my migraine prevention medication daily, getting enough sleep, exercising, wearing my mask and getting the coronavirus vaccine without hesitation when my parents scheduled the appointments.
2. I took care of my mental health by doing things I love; watching Japanese anime, writing stories, taking warm showers and baths, doing art, singing and listening to music. I also set a big goal to take the Japanese language proficiency test next December and that I must continue to study for it!
3. I focused on my schoolwork with all the effort I could towards the end of last school year, and I made perfect grades on my report card at the end of the school year for the first time in my life. Doing so gave me things to focus on and when I received my report card on the last day of school before summer break, I felt very proud of myself.
Here is what I will be doing starting in the next month as my community has came out of pandemic restrictions, and done well without most of the restrictions.
1. I will be attending art classes again at my community’s art center. I used to attend the art center a few years ago for classes but I plan on going back. I especially like to paint because it is calming.
2. I might be taking singing lessons or learning to play the guitar or violin at one of the music schools in my community.
That’s what I wanted to share. I hope I was able to shine some more light.